March 15, 2023

csupakókusz // all-in-coconut

A világ legjobb fogászának és csapatának készült ez a bonbon (remélem mindenki érzi a helyzet iróniáját XD). 

30 ml kókuszolaj
20 gr kókuszreszelék
80+150 gr étcsoki

Megolvasztom a kókuszvajat, hozzáadom a kókuszreszeléket és egy-két percig kis lángon melegítem, hogy a kókusz picit megpuhuljon. Vízgőz fölött megolvasztok 80 gr étcsokit, a kókuszolajhoz keverem.
Fehér ételfestékkel összefröcskölöm a bonbonforma mélyedéseit. Temperálok 150 gr étcsokit, elkészítem a bonbonok burkát. Megtöltöm őket a kókuszos krémmel és kis időre hűtőbe teszem. Végül temperált étcsokival lezárom a bonbonokat.

I made these bonbons for the world's best dentist and his team (I hope you feel the irony XD)

30 ml coconut oil
20 gr shredded coconut
80+150 gr dark chocolate
food paint

I melt the coconut oil, then I add the shredded coconut and let them simmer for 12 minutes until the coconut gets soft. In a bain-marie, I melt 80 gr dark chocolate and combine it with the coconut oil.
I sprinkle white food paint in the cavities of the mold. I temper 150 gr dark chocolate; I prepare the bonbon shells. I fill them with the coconut cream and put them in the fridge for some time. Finally, I seal the bonbons with tempered dark chocolate.

Vénusz bimbói // nipples of Venus

- Felkelthetem az érdeklődését Vénusz bimbóival?
A Csokoládé című film ikonikus mondatában szereplő édességet régóta el akarom készíteni, de az első próbálkozásom anno kudarcba fulladt (nem lett elég szilárd a ganache). Most azonban újra próbálkoztam, új arányokkal, és ezúttal sikeres lett a kísérlet! A Vénusz bimbói desszert valójában többféle változatban létezik, az eredeti, olasz csoki gesztenyepürével készül. Én azonban nagyon csokis-fűszeres, érzéki ízt akartam elérni, úgyhogy a Levendula és csokoládé blogon található receptet alakítottam át. 
Mivel közeledik a húsvét, azt hiszem, ideje újraolvasni a Csokoládét ;)) És persze megnézni a csodálatos filmet. Mindkettő kedves a szívemnek, mivel a valódi főszereplő bennük a kakaó és a csokoládé, és ez így is van rendjén - szívet melengető látni azokat a gyönyörű képsorokat, amikor Vianne csokoládét készít, töri a kakaóbabot, temperál. Életfogytigtartó szenvedély ez! (tegye fel a kezét, akinek a csokis karrierjére hatással volt a film! ☝)

150 gr tejcsoki
80 ml tejszín
két kiskanál vaj
csili, fahéj
200 gr étcsoki
20 gr fehércsoki

Gőzfürdőben felolvasztom a tejcsokit, majd összekeverem a tejszínnel és a vajjal. Végül a fűszereket adom a ganache-hoz, ízlés szerint. Én úgy szeretem, ha nem direktben érződik a csili, hanem miután az ember lenyelte a csokit, egy kis csípős utóíz marad utána. Habverővel keményre verem a krémet, és hűtőbe teszem egy éjszakára. Másnap habzsákba töltöm és sütőpapírra kis halmokat nyomok belőle. Ezeket visszateszem a hűtőbe még egy órára.
Temperálom az étcsokit, kimártom a ganache-halmokat. Hagyom megszilárdulni a csokit, végül temperálom a fehércsokit, és belemártom a bimbók tetejét.

"Can I interest you with some Nipples of Venus?"
I've wanted to make the dessert mentioned in this iconic sentence from the movie Chocolat; but my first attempt was a failure (the ganache was not solid enough). This time, however, I tried it again with different proportions and the experiment was a success! In fact, there are different variations of the dessert called Nipples of Venus: the original Italian bonbon is made with chestnut puree. I, however, wanted to achieve a chocolaty-spicy, sensual flavor, therefore I modified the recipe from the Levendula és csokoládé blog.
Since Easter is approaching, I think it's time to re-read Chocolat ;)) And of course to watch the amazing movie. Both of them are dear to me because the real protagonist is cocoa and chocolate and that's how it's supposed to be - it is heart-warming to see those amazing scenes of Vianne preparing chocolate, crashing cocoa beans, and tempering. This is a passion for a lifetime! (hands up if your chocolatier career was influenced by the movie! ☝)

150 gr milk chocolate
80 ml cream
two small spoons of butter
chili, cinnamon
200 gr dark chocolate
20 gr white chocolate

I melt the milk chocolate in a bain-marie, then mix it with the cream and the butter. Finally, I add the spices. I prefer chili to be felt at the end of a bite: a hot aftertaste in your throat. I whisk the cream until it gets solid, and I leave it in the fridge for a night. The next day, I put it in a piping bag and I squeeze small mounds on a parchment sheet. I put them back in the fridge for an hour.
I temper the dark chocolate, I dip the mounds in it. I let the chocolate get solid, finally I temper the white chocolate and I dip the tip of the bonbons in it.

March 2, 2023

Farsang // carnival

Babafarsangra készült ez a maszk :) Nagyon egyszerűen színes kakaóvaj és ecset segítségével festettem.

Once upon a time, there was a city. It was a quite ordinary city with bigger and smaller houses, pigeons on the streets and bridges arching over the river. And in the middle of this city stood a white castle. And in the green park of the castle stood a small bench, from where a stunning view opened on the old town and the river.

This was the contemplating spot of the Dragonmaster-Without-Dragon. The Dragonmaster, unlike the other ordinary citizens of the city, could see the shadows of kings who had once trodden the paths of the green park, he understood the whisper of the breeze and when he woke up at dawn and heard the roof tiles rattling, he knew that the night creatures that walk the roofs in the moonlight, are climbing back into the darkness to hide their delicate skin from the rays of the sun.

But even though the Dragonmaster perceived the creatures of the otherworld, he was lonely, because none of his friends, not one other person in the city could see them, and he was lonely as he had no dragon to tame and train.

One fine spring day the Dragonmaster was sitting on his bench, contemplating and waiting for something – even he himself didn’t know for what. The sky was crystal clear above him and the sunshine was warming the white walls of the castle that still kept the winter cold. Around, in the park, the trees and bushes pampered their tiny sprouts and sparrows squabbled among their branches. The fingers of the wind caressed the still dry and yellow grass, then it danced around the bench and whispered in the ear of the Dragonmaster.

He looked up and among the other, ordinary people, he saw a figure approaching.

She was a Barbarian, in ragged clothes and with long, unkempt hair. As soon as they cast an eye on each other, they knew their meeting was not a coincidence. She sat down on the bench of the Dragonmaster and in her presence he felt all her years spent with wandering in distant, wild lands, the wars that she’d fought in the past, and a strange yearning.

'That is right,' said the Barbarian. 'I come from a long journey, from a far-away kingdom. The wind told me that I would find you here.'

'Why were you looking for me?' asked the Dragonmaster.

'Because I have something that will complete both our lives.' She tossed her long hair back. 'I’ve been through many adventures and saw many places and knew many people. But my greatest wish, the one thing I crave for, I have never been able to get hold of, no matter how hard I tried or how far I went. But now that I found you, you can help me and in exchange you will get something that you have been yearning for.'

She dug into one of her deep pockets and took something out of it. This something was round and coarse and shone like a ruby flame in the sunlight.

The heart of the Dragonmaster skipped a beat.

'A dragon egg!' he whispered. 'I’ve been looking for dragon eggs for so many years, I went through the Devil’s Tunnel in the underworld, I swam in the depths of the Stormy Ocean, I even climbed the Fiery Peaks, but to no avail! Where did you find this one?'

'In the most unexpected place of all: after a battle I entered a calm, beautiful forest in the search of new adventures, when an old peasant crossed my path and warned me that there still might be dragons in that part of the wilderness. So I followed his direction and arrived to a pleasant clearing where a thin creek was flowing and flowers were growing in the river bed. But around the field the rocks looked like molten drops of metal, and I saw a red sparkle behind one of them.'

The Dragonmaster looked at the egg.

'I wonder why they left it behind. Can I hold it?'

'I will give it to you, but first you must promise one thing.'

'What is that?'

'When your dragon grows up, whenever I will want to fly with him, you will have to allow me, for that is my greatest wish of all.'

'I promise,' said the Dragonmaster and the Barbarian placed the egg in his hand.

'Now we have to wake him up and hatch the egg. You must stay with me, the dragon has to see you, otherwise he won’t let you touch him.'

'All right then. How do we wake him up?'

'We need the Midnight Fire for that.'

'You have a Midnight Fire in this city?' looked around the Barbarian frowning.

'No, not here, but I know where we can find it.'

So when the night descended on the city, the Dragonmaster and the Barbarian returned to the castle. Their path led to the excavations at the back of the park. They climbed through the fence and quickly made their way to the tunnels and holes that looked like dark cavities in the stone teeth of the ground. The Dragonmaster entered a narrow tunnel that ended in a dome-like space. He turned to the right, where a thin crack opened in the wall. Inside it was darker than in the vast space, darker than in the stomach of the Great Leviathan. They crept slowly in the thin, dark passage for a long while – they lost track of time, it seemed as if they had been walking for days. Sometimes they took a turn and the air got hotter and hotter as they approached the center of the earth.

From the fumes and fires of creation came forth the dragons and as the center of the earth still kept the heat of creation, its flames were able to give life to gemstones called dragon eggs. These flames broke to the surface in places where magic concentrated, but the Dragonmaster knew that he could find them only far, far below his city.

'We are almost there,' he told the Barbarian, and in that instant they arrived in a great hall, whose walls gleamed in red. The fire roared below them, the heat was unbearable, even breathing was painful.

The Dragonmaster crossed the hall and on the other side he found a tunnel leading even further down. In the next cave the stones were glowing and they could not proceed any further because poisonous steam filled the air. So the Dragonmaster built a nest of the burning stones and he placed the egg in the middle. They covered their noses and waited, their eyes fixed on the egg.

Nothing moved, only the lights were dancing on the walls and sometimes new flames flared up on a stone.

The Barbarian shifted from one foot to the other.

'Maybe the dragon died?'

'Shhh, it takes time,' replied the Dragonmaster.

'I’m not a patient person, especially in a place like this.'

'Do you want to fly with the dragon or not?'

To this question the Barbarian closed her eyes and immersed in a dream about flying while the Dragonmaster kept on waiting, leaning even closer to the egg.

The only sound that remained was the silent purring of the flames of the Midnight Fire and the snake-like hissing of fumes, and sometimes the earth tolled like an enormous gong whose sound resonated in the guts instead of the ears.

'There you go! The first crack!' exclaimed the Dragonmaster.

They were both staring at the egg while tiny cracks appeared, one after the other, and ruby pieces of the shell fell on the rocks like drops of blood. First the nose, then the head, the long, graceful neck and the body wriggled out of the egg. The newborn dragon was not bigger than a hand and he curiously looked at them with his shiny, golden eyes.

The Dragonmaster crouched down and held out his palm towards him.

The creature timidly smelled his fingers but he seemed to like the smell because he quickly ran up the Dragonmaster’s arm, to his shoulder, where he nested himself close to his neck and after all these hardships, fell asleep.

The Dragonmaster stood up, he smiled at the Barbarian.

'We can go back now,' he said.

They left the great halls of the center of the earth and walked up the dark passage. When they arrived to the excavation site, it was still night: the light of the stars mingled with the lights of the city, but in the East a faint grey stripe glistened.
They stood there for a minute, absorbing the sight of the sleeping city, then they walked down the hill of the castle: the Dragonmaster-With-Dragon and the Barbarian.